A Python package for interactive geospatial analysis and visualization with Google Earth Engine.
翻译 - 用于与Google Earth Engine,ipyleaflet和ipywidgets进行交互式映射的Python程序包
A Pure Python, React-style Framework for Scaling Your Jupyter and Web Apps
Matplotlib Jupyter Integration
翻译 - Matplotlib Jupyter扩展
⚛️ React.js components 💯% compatible with 🪐 Jupyter https://jupyter-ui-storybook.datalayer.tech
An extension to render cadquery objects in JupyterLab via pythreejs
Create interactive webpages from Jupyter Notebooks
Custom Jupyter widgets for creating interactive 2D/3D maps using popular JavaScript libraries with bidirectional communication, such as Cesium, Mapbox, MapLibre, Leaflet, and OpenLayers
Earth Engine and Geemap: Geospatial Data Science with Python
A Python Package for Visualizing and Analyzing Hyperspectral Data in Coastal Environments
An IPython Widget for Aladin Lite, the sky viewer.
The power of Chart.js with Python
#计算机科学#Visualizations of machine learning models and algorithms
High performance, editable, stylable datagrids in jupyter and jupyterlab
Notebooks for the SciPy 2017 tutorial "The Jupyter Interactive Widget Ecosystem"
🔗 minimalist ipywidget to interface with any Python vtkRenderWindow
ipywidgets library for drawing directed acyclic graphs in jupyterlab using dagre-d3
Data Visualizations is emerging as one of the most essential skills in almost all of the IT and Non IT Background Sectors and Jobs. Using Data Visualizations to make wiser decisions which could land t...
GPX Viewer web app built with Jupyter, ipywidgets, ipyleaflet, bqplot and voila