💫 An open-source multi-purpose N-body code.
An open source Python package for plasma research and education
#Awesome#🌌 A collaborative list of awesome software for exploring Physics concepts
Main yt repository
#时序数据库#A friendly package for Kepler & TESS time series analysis in Python.
#Awesome#饕餮:A curated collection of resources for astrophysical research
Castro (Compressible Astrophysics): An adaptive mesh, astrophysical compressible (radiation-, magneto-) hydrodynamics simulation code for massively parallel CPU and GPU architectures.
Poorly written code that generates moderately exciting plots of a very specific physics phenomenon that enthralls dozens of us around the globe.
Galactic Dynamics in python
🌱 A fast line-by-line code for high-resolution infrared molecular spectra
#时序数据库#Fast & scalable MCMC for all your exoplanet needs!
TARDIS - Temperature And Radiative Diffusion In Supernovae
C++ SPH/N-body library and standalone GUI application, mainly designed for astrophysical simulations
Lattice Boltzmann fluid simulation
#时序数据库#Anything can happen in the next half hour (including spectral timing made easy)!
#算法刷题#The most comprehensive collection of accurate astronomical algorithms in (C++, Objective-C and) Swift.
⚡️⚡️⚡️Blazing fast correlation functions on the CPU.
PyAutoLens: Open Source Strong Gravitational Lensing