A multi-page streamlit app for geospatial
翻译 - 用于地理空间的多页流线型应用程序
A web app to inform NYC residents about rent stabilization
Join us to deliver insights, understanding, and solutions to address the housing crisis in the United States.
Housing Data: BCIC Innovation Exchange™ Public Service Challenge for BC Stats
Data Visualisation application to show the distribution of property values across the City of Vancouver
#计算机科学#A collection of Machine learning projects provided by coursework in GA, 2017
#计算机科学#Forecast of housing prices index in Croatia based on World Bank datasets such as credit interest rates, gdp and consumer power.
A machine learning project that explores and predicts the prices of houses in Washington, USA
R scripts for cleaning Immoscout24/RWI-GEO-RED data
A basic script in R for how to pull data from ImmobilienScout24's Rest Price History API
Data scraped from various sites for housing data around the greater Toronto area (GTA). Scrapes happen daily and data is in both JSON and CSV formats. Free to use for analysis.
A data analysis of the U.S. housing market using Zillow Research and Consumer Price Index (CPI) to compare housing costs and cost of living across multiple U.S. cities.
Selected Questions answered from the book and the two different datasets were analyzed and presented
Exploration and visualisation of the housing market in Denmark, using web scraping
Analysis of localised heat-housing trajectories for neighbourhoods in England and Wales.
This project looks at the housing data for King County, Washington. I created a predictive model that accurately predicts houses within the lower 75% price bracket to an accuracy of 92%.
This project involves creating a database in Oracle Database of 1,000 properties in Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Using Oracle SQL Developer, various SQL queries were executed to analyze the data,...