Transportation planning and traffic simulation software for creating cities friendlier to walking, biking, and public transit
翻译 - 一个交通模拟游戏,探索道路的微小变化如何影响骑车者,公交用户,行人和驾驶员。
KubeCon-CloudNativeCon-North-America-2018's slides. / 2018北美CNCF大会PPT。
CiviForm simplifies the application process for government benefits programs by re-using applicant data for multiple benefits applications. It's being developed by and Exygy, in collaborati...
A svelte-kit project for looking up food safety inspections for King County based restaurants
Python code for simulating transit lines based on GTFS data
The root repo for CascadiaJS. Home to information and code that spans conference years.
Open data on Seattle's policies of displacement against unhoused people
#计算机科学#Car Accident Severity Analysis - Seattle Washington (Machine Learning Application)
UW DSSG 2019: Analysis of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU)
Because manually entering games into BenchApp is too hard
A seattle waste collection schedule to mqtt bridge process