Convert Jupyter Notebooks to Web Apps
翻译 - Mercury:轻松将 Python notebook 转换为 Web 应用程序并与他人共享
A collection of things I've created or found that I think is useful for Azure Sentinel.
Datasets and analysis of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition spells.
P.h.D. course on "Complex Network Analysis" @ Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2022)
#算法刷题#Kickstart ML through these 20+ foundational projects; Kaggle datasets, problem statements and comprehensive EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) walkthroughs.
The repository hosts the code, data, and other artefacts for the paper "Survival analysis for user disengagement prediction: question-and-answering communities' case", available here:
#博客#Practice/Notes of Machine Learning
Generate static reports from Jupyter notebooks
This repo contains Jupiter notebooks of some popular mathematics theorems.
My Google Colab notebooks collection. 📝
Collection of all my Kaggle Notebooks
En Bidating, aplicamos análisis de sentimientos y ciencia de datos sobre reseñas de Yelp y Google Maps para revelar tendencias y percepciones en el sector turístico y restaurantero. Con tecnologías co...
#数据仓库#Jupyter notebooks related to open data, budgets, procurement, text processing and other Russia/Russian related data
🐍 Python 3.12 / Jupyter / Thonny
🐍 Python 3.9 / Jupyter / Thonny
Project on exploring optimization of quality delivery service using Python
Materia de Análisis y Visualización de Datos de la Diplomatura en Ciencias de Datos de FAMAF (UNC)