📜 Extract meaningful content from the chaos of a web page
翻译 - from从网页混乱中提取有意义的内容
Convert Jupyter Notebooks to Web Apps
翻译 - Mercury:轻松将 Python notebook 转换为 Web 应用程序并与他人共享
Firefox fork with compiler optimizations and patches from Librewolf, Waterfox, and GNU IceCat.
A minimal and human-readable language and environment for the live coding of algorithmic electronic music.
🚀 A drop-in replacement for the Postlight Parser API.
GEOS-Chem "Science Codebase" repository. Contains GEOS-Chem science routines, run directory generation scripts, and interface code. This repository is used as a submodule within the GCClassic and GC...
📖 Enjoy full text for tt-rss.
#安卓#Simple Android app that sends pre-configured commands to remote servers via SSH.
Chrome extension to display the full content of articles in Feedly
Windows 7 builds of Mercury Browser (Based on ESR115 rather than stable tip-of-tree)
Mercury - data visualize and discovery with Javascript, such as apache zeppelin and jupyter
SaaSBooks turns your Stripe and Mercury data into actionable financial insights without the accounting headache. Built by SaaS founders for SaaS founders, this open source tool auto-categorizes transa...
🎰 Generate a lorem ipsum generator site using Mercury Web Parser