Anaconda turns your Sublime Text 3 in a full featured Python development IDE including autocompletion, code linting, IDE features, autopep8 formating, McCabe complexity checker Vagrant and Docker supp...
翻译 - Anaconda将您的Sublime Text 3转换为功能齐全的Python开发IDE,包括自动完成,代码整理,IDE功能,autopep8格式,McCabe复杂性检查器Vagrant和Docker对Jelim,PyFlakes,pep8,MyPy,PyLint,pep257和McCabe的Sublime Text 3的支持永远不会冻结您的Sublime Text 3
An Opinionated Neovim Config for the Minimalists
Navigate to variable's definition with a click in JupyterLab (or with a few key strokes)
VSCode extension that assists you with your everyday work around typescript
翻译 - VSCode扩展可帮助您围绕打字稿进行日常工作
Sprinkle extra refactorings, code actions and commands over your JavaScript! 🍩 TypeScript and Flow are first class citizens as well!
#编辑器#Easy instructions for setting up Haskell editors / IDEs on any major operating system.
Haskell+Neovim lightning fast autocompletion and other IDE functionality