A simple tool to download video lectures from edx.org (and other openedx sites)
翻译 - 一个简单的工具,可从edx.org(和其他openx网站)下载视频讲座
#自然语言处理#an Open Course Platform for Stanford CS224n (2020 Winter)
翻译 - 斯坦福CS224n的开放课程平台(2020年冬季)
My Solutions of Assignments of CS234: Reinforcement Learning Winter 2019
Coursera, Edx and other MOOCs Certificates
#计算机科学#Repo for Statistical Learning course offered by Stanford University
#计算机科学#A Tensorflow retrieval (space embedding) baseline. Metric learning baseline on CUB and Stanford Online Products.
#算法刷题#Algorithms - Design and Analysis offered by Stanford University
#IOS#Swift UI features and general iOS/iPadOS/macOS development coding lab
My solutions for https://www.coursera.org/learn/unsupervised-learning-recommenders-reinforcement-learning
Repo for the Databases courses provided by Stanford University https://lagunita.stanford.edu/courses
My solutions for https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning?id=285
My solutions for https://www.coursera.org/learn/advanced-learning-algorithms
Compiler for the Classroom Object-Oriented Language (Stanford CS143, 2021)
#计算机科学#Machine Learning by Stanford University
#算法刷题#An Algorithm for computing a max-spacing -k-clustering.
#计算机科学#Assignment for Week 4 of Machine Learning by Andrew Ng @ Stanford Uni
#算法刷题#An implementation for Prim's minimum spanning tree algorithm using heaps
#算法刷题#computing strongly connected components using kosaraju's two path algorithm
#算法刷题#An implementation for two sum Algorithm using hash table and multi-threading