Third-person Action Roguelike made in Unreal Engine C++. Project for Unreal Engine C++ Course & Stanford University
翻译 - 使用虚幻引擎C ++制作的第三人称动作Roguelike(适用于Stanford CS193U 2020)
#计算机科学#All notes and materials for the CS229: Machine Learning course by Stanford University
#计算机科学#Machine learning-Stanford University
#计算机科学#Completed the CS231n 2017 spring assignments from Stanford university
#计算机科学#All notes and materials for the CS229: Machine Learning course by Stanford University
Stanford LaTeX poster template
🌲 Stanford CS 228 - Probabilistic Graphical Models
#算法刷题#Unofficial repo for Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Stanford University, Fall 2017.
This is an unofficial LaTeX Beamer presentation template for Stanford University.
#自然语言处理#Solutions for CS224n course from Stanford University: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
#计算机科学#All lecture notes, slides and assignments for CS230 course by Stanford University.
#计算机科学#PyTorch/Tensorflow solutions for Stanford's CS231n: "CNNs for Visual Recognition"
#计算机科学#Repo for Statistical Learning course offered by Stanford University
Solutions to assignments of the CS224W Machine Learning with Graphs course from Stanford University.
#算法刷题#Algorithms - Design and Analysis offered by Stanford University
#计算机科学#List 📋 of Books📚, Courses 💻 for Data Science 📊
Stanford course CS193P Fall 2017 Demo for iOS 12 Xcode 10 Swift 4.2
#计算机科学## Machine Learning (Coursera) This is my solution to all the programming assignments and quizzes of Machine-Learning (Coursera) taught by Andrew Ng. After completing this course you will get a broad i...