This tool lets you search your gadgets on your binaries to facilitate your ROP exploitation. ROPgadget supports ELF, PE and Mach-O format on x86, x64, ARM, ARM64, PowerPC, SPARC, MIPS, RISC-V 64, and ...
翻译 - 使用此工具,您可以在二进制文件中搜索小工具,以方便您对ROP的利用。 ROPgadget在x86,x64,ARM,ARM64,PowerPC,SPARC和MIPS体系结构上支持ELF,PE和Mach-O格式。
rp++ is a fast C++ ROP gadget finder for PE/ELF/Mach-O x86/x64/ARM/ARM64 binaries.
翻译 - rp ++是一个全cpp编写的工具,旨在在PE / Elf / Mach-O x86 / x64二进制文件中查找ROP序列。它是开源的,并且已经在多个操作系统上进行了测试:Debian / Windows 8.1 / Mac OSX Lion(10.7.3)。此外,它与x64兼容并支持Intel语法。独立的可执行文件也可以直接下载。
CTF challenge (mostly pwn) files, scripts etc
CTF Cheat Sheet + Writeups / Files for some of the Cyber CTFs that I've done
A comprehensive collection of cheatsheets for reverse engineering, binary analysis, and assembly programming tools. This repository serves as a one-stop reference for security researchers, reverse eng...
An in depth tutorial on how to do binary exploitation
#学习与技能提升#List of CyberSecurity Resources and some different Sub-Domains of CyberSecurity
ROPium is a tool that helps you building ROP exploits by finding and chaining gadgets together
台大 計算機安全 - Pwn 簡報、影片、作業題目與解法 - Computer Security Fall 2019 @ CSIE NTU Taiwan
Comprehensive toolkit for Ghidra headless.
Automatic ROPChain Generation
翻译 - 自动ROPChain生成
Research about the Zend Engine
翻译 - Zend引擎的研究
An online assembly editor and debugger for the x86-64 architecture
A happy heap editor to support your exploitation process 🙂
List of tools and commands that may be helpful in CTFs
Solutions (that we managed to find) for the 2021 PicoCTF
#IOS#Articles and tools related to research in the Apple environment (mainly macOS).
Learn Binary Exploitation with sample problems and solutions