台大 計算機安全 - Pwn 簡報、影片、作業題目與解法 - Computer Security Fall 2019 @ CSIE NTU Taiwan
Thesis Latex Template for Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Machine Learning and having it Deep and Structured (MLDS) in 2018 spring
🎓 Unofficial LaTeX templates for your graduate thesis (both master's theses and doctoral dissertations) at National Taiwan University. 國立臺灣大學碩博士學位論文 LaTeX 模板
🌆 🏙 🌃 Viz.js Graphviz - An Elegant Visualizer for And-Inverter Graph
Incubated Judge-Girl's (A Cloud-Native Online Judge System) root project. With powerful CMS features (e.g., dry-run / compilation-script generation / Continuous Problem Integration & Delivery) and edu...
#计算机科学#Hung-Yi Lee ML 2017 Spring Homework
🎒 Materials (slides, handouts, homework, cheat sheets...) of the courses I took or audited at National Taiwan University.
#计算机科学#2017 Spring (105-2) -- Machine Learning
EEE Latex Dissertation Template, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), re-defined in 2021
Discrete Hidden Markov Model (HMM) Implementation in C++
Pytorch implementation of CS-Tacotron, a code-switching speech synthesis end-to-end generative TTS model.