This tool lets you search your gadgets on your binaries to facilitate your ROP exploitation. ROPgadget supports ELF, PE and Mach-O format on x86, x64, ARM, ARM64, PowerPC, SPARC, MIPS, RISC-V 64, and ...
翻译 - 使用此工具,您可以在二进制文件中搜索小工具,以方便您对ROP的利用。 ROPgadget在x86,x64,ARM,ARM64,PowerPC,SPARC和MIPS体系结构上支持ELF,PE和Mach-O格式。
PegaSwitch is an exploit toolkit for the Nintendo Switch
Automatic ROPChain Generation
翻译 - 自动ROPChain生成
Exploit Development - Weaponized Exploit and Proof of Concepts (PoC)
Return Oriented Programme Evolution with ROPER
Red-team tool to hook libc read syscall with a buffer overflow vulnerability.
Exploitation on different architectures (x86, x64, arm, mips, avr)
ROP gadget finder and analysis in pure Javascript
My collection of self-written exploits
This is the source of our Return Oriented Programming tool.
ROP and JOP gadget finder tool with GUI
ROP-Tool HTTP Server
FTP server in the PS3 browser. Not ready for public use.
A python module to facilitate in the generation of rop string for ARM and MIPS .
This repository contains exploits to Windows binaries provided by Exploit2 course by opensecuritytraining.
x86 and ARM Buffer Overflow and ROP Exploits - Assignment 2 for Systems Security and Malicious Code Analysis Course
using unique,system-independant methods to exploit binaries given on
Software based Side Channel attacks
32-bit and 64-bit solutions and walkthroughs to the ROP Emporium