Like "ls", but for images. Shows thumbnails in terminal using sixel graphics.
翻译 - 类似于“ ls”,但用于图像。使用Sixel图形在终端中显示缩略图。
Modern C++ Terminal Emulator
翻译 - Modern C++ Terminal Emulator
A terminal image and video viewer.
翻译 - 终端图像查看器
encode images to iTerm / Kitty / SIXEL (terminal) inline graphics protocols
draw images in terminals
A collection of packages for U++ framework.
*Good* Image Protocol - a formalization of a proposal for a new image protocol for virtual terminal emulators
Atlast Forth for Raspberry Pi Pico and PicoW
This package visualizes Julia docstrings for functions with images
The home of U++ terminal widget, TerminalCtrl, an easy to use yet powerful cross-platform terminal emulator widget written in C++.
Utility for Synchronet BBS that lets users view nearly any image in sixel format in SyncTERM.
is your terminal sick, mid or sus? 🦀
A heatmap generator for sixel-capable terminals.
Sixel image decoder and StreamRaster interface for for U++
generate code39 barcodes as sixel images