Like "ls", but for images. Shows thumbnails in terminal using sixel graphics.
翻译 - 类似于“ ls”,但用于图像。使用Sixel图形在终端中显示缩略图。
📺🗿 Terminal graphics for the 21st century.
翻译 - 📺🗿21世纪的终端图形。
A terminal image and video viewer.
翻译 - 终端图像查看器
#编辑器#Jupyter notebooks in the terminal
Small C++ program to display images in a (modern) terminal using RGB ANSI codes and unicode block graphics characters
A Node.js library for ansi codes, figlet fonts, ascii art and other ASCII graphics
#编辑器#Python Terminal Toolkit - a Spiced Up Cross Compatible TUI Library 🌶️
👑 A ratatui framework to build stateful applications with a React/Elm inspired approach
Stonks is a terminal based stock visualizer and tracker that displays realtime stocks in graph format in a terminal. See how fast your stonks will crash.
翻译 - Stonks是基于终端的股票可视化工具和跟踪器,可在终端中以图形格式显示实时股票。看看您的垃圾会崩溃多快。
badass terminal graphics library
Open-Source, Platform independent module that consumes data points as input and plots them on a 2D graph 📈📊💹 [Scatter / Bar / Line] on the PowerShell Console/Terminal
2D & 3D graphics engine in the terminal [C/C++]
A configurable, terminal based Media Player Client with album art support via various terminal image protocols
#安卓#Local PTY, USB and Bluetooth serial ports, SSH and Telnet terminal client for Android. Xwayland support (in dev only).
3D graphics library for the terminal
Draw various frames and boxes in your terminal window
翻译 - 在终端窗口中绘制各种框架和框
Display image, video or USB camera in your ANSI terminal!
A terminal app written in Node.js to monitor brain signals in real-time
Console / terminal GUI toolkit for Crystal.
A simple library to draw option menu or other popup inputs and layout on Node.js console.