#算法刷题#A curated list of mathematics documents ,Concepts, Study Materials , Algorithms and Codes available across the internet for machine learning and deep learning
#算法刷题#Na Rinha de Algoritmos você deve utilizar suas habilidades para a criação de algoritmos eficientes para resolver problemas!
This is my personal library of code that is common to my different projects (Photosounder, SplineEQ, Spiral and others)
A framework based on the tensor train decomposition for working with multivariate functions and multidimensional arrays
DynaHist: A Dynamic Histogram Library for Java
Fast and memory-efficient clustering + coreset construction, including fast distance kernels for Bregman and f-divergences.
Graphically solve a texture packing problem with three approximate algorithms
Set of simple mathematical classes in C# (Vectors, Matrixes, Polynoms, Systems of linear equations, Integrals methods, Complex numbers, Rational numbers, Graphs, Methods for solving differential equat...
#算法刷题#A simple, often-used multiprocessor scheduling (load balancing) algorithm is the LPT algorithm (Longest Processing Time) which sorts the jobs by its processing time and then assigns them to the machin...
Study about an algorithm for discovering small target sets in social networks This is a widely studied problem that abstracts many phenomena in the social, economic, biological, and physical sciences....
Algorithms and functions for fast exponentiation with small error
Graph-based Deterministic Policy Gradient for Repetitive Combinatorial Optimization Problems
#算法刷题#A Python library for anti-clustering algorithms
#算法刷题#Approximation Algorithm for the NP-Complete problem of finding a vertex cover of minimum weight in a graph with weighted vertices. Guarantees an answers at most 2 times the optimal minimum weighted ve...
#算法刷题#With this project we researched, implemented and analyzed different algorithms to effectively and efficiently solve an NP-Complete problem such as the Minimum Vertex Cover (MVC).
#算法刷题#Solving TSP for Metric Graphs using MST Heuristic, and comparing the optimal solution with the approximation one
A C++ implementation of the Christofides algorithm for instances in TSPLIB format
State-of-art algorithm for sorting by transpositions based on an algebraic approach with guarantee of approximation ratio of 1.375
Memory-efficient probabilistic counter namely Morris Counter