Google's Operations Research tools:
翻译 - Google的运营研究工具:
Modeling language for Mathematical Optimization (linear, mixed-integer, conic, semidefinite, nonlinear)
An object-oriented algebraic modeling language in Python for structured optimization problems.
Linear algebra, eigenvalues, FFT, Bessel, elliptic, orthogonal polys, geometry, NURBS, numerical quadrature, 3D transfinite interpolation, random numbers, Mersenne twister, probability distributions, ...
翻译 - 进入用于机器学习,线性代数,FFT,贝塞尔,椭圆形,正交多边形,几何,NURBS,数值正交,3D超限插值,随机数,梅森扭曲器,概率分布,优化,图形,绘图,可视化,张量,特征值的科学库,微分方程等。
#区块链#A cryptocurrency arbitrage framework implemented with ccxt and cplex. It can be used to monitor multiple exchanges, find a multi-lateral arbitrage path which maximizes rate of return, calculate the op...
Python-MIP: collection of Python tools for the modeling and solution of Mixed-Integer Linear programs
#算法刷题#An incremental linear constraint-solving algorithm (Auto Layout) in Swift.
Curso de Álgebra Lineal
翻译 - 线性代数课程
The Advanced Proximal Optimization Toolbox
Simple OOP javaScript library to solve linear programs, and mixed integer linear programs Interior-point solver for convex conic optimisation problems in Rust.
#Awesome#A curated list of mathematical optimization courses, lectures, books, notes, libraries, frameworks and software.
emhass: Energy Management for Home Assistant, is a Python module designed to optimize your home energy interfacing with Home Assistant.
A Rust implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm
Linear Programming for Rust, with a user-friendly API. This crate allows modeling LP problems, and lets you solve them with various solvers.
Pyomo respository provides a comprehensive library of solved models in Supply chain management
R package to model Mixed Integer Linear Programs
Efficient modeling interface for mathematical optimization in Python