Google's Operations Research tools:
翻译 - Google的运营研究工具:
3D bin packing solutions with layers and superitems, for Artificial Intelligence in Industry class at UNIBO
Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (CVRPTW) solver written in Python.
#学习与技能提升#Discrete choice modeling in Python with large datasets & models - Assortment & Pricing Optimization .
EA FC 25 Automated SBC Solving using Integer Programming ⚽
This is my implementation of a branch and price algorithm to solve the humanitarian aid distribution problem. This problem is a VRP with a specific objective function
An automatic rostering system that can handle skill mix requirements, staff requests and shift sequence rules
Modelling and Solving Employee Shift Scheduling (Including Nurse Rostering) Problems Using Constraint Programming (Combination of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research) and Software Engineer...
Solve scheduling problems with constraint programming in Python.
[IEEE TKDE | TITS 2023] "Learning Large Neighborhood Search for Vehicle Routing in Airport Ground Handling" | "Neural Airport Ground Handling"
efficient Game of Life in Python
A solver for Traveling Salesman Problem with tunable metaheuristics
Exploring Reinforcement Learning Solutions to the Vehicle Routing Problem. PPO, A2C, DQN, SAC
A powerful Python library for operations research and optimization.
Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) demo with OSMnx and OR-Tools
Web app for solving simple VRP problems. Django is used as a web framework, and Google's OR-Tools as a solver.
OR-Tools is an open source software suite for optimization, tuned for tackling the world's toughest problems in vehicle routing, flows, integer and linear programming, and constraint programming.
This script uses constraint programming to devise the optimal skeleton at the Bone Market in Fallen London.