A web application is any program that is accessed over a network connection using HTTP, usually via a web browser. Web apps do not have to be installed on a user's device; they are run from a remote server. This differs from mobile apps, which are installed on the user's mobile device, and desktop applications, which are installed on the user's computer. Common examples of web apps include Flash games, online calculators, calendars, Gmail, and Facebook.
Uptime Kuma 是一个网络状态监控工具,支持 HTTP/HTTPS/TCP/PING/DNS 监控,告警可以通过 Telegram、Emial、Discord、Slack 等通知
#静态网页生成器#Gatsby 是一个基于React,用于搭建静态站点的开源框架,用于帮助开发者构建运行速度极快的网站。
#前端开发#1kB-ish JavaScript framework for building hypertext applications
翻译 - 用于构建Web界面的微型框架。
#自然语言处理#DocsGPT 是一个用于“文档”的基于GPT聊天助手,能快速检索项目文档,帮助开发人员轻松地提出与项目相关的问题,并获得准确的答案
The fastest way to develop full-stack web apps with React & Node.js.
Former git repo for WebFundamentals on developers.google.com
翻译 - 现代Web开发的最佳做法
A fancy, easy-to-use and reactive self-hosted docker compose.yaml stack-oriented manager
#前端开发#Create web-based user interfaces with Python. The nice way.
phpmyadmin 是一个基于Web端的MySQL以及MariaDB图形化管理工具。
#面试#Dedicated Resources for the Low-Level System Design. Learn how to design and implement large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview.
翻译 - 用于底层系统设计的专用资源。了解如何设计和实现大型系统。准备进行系统设计面试。
#Ruby 框架#The web, with simplicity.
翻译 - 简洁的网络。
#编辑器#A full open source 3D graphics editor in the browser, with scene editor, coding pad, graph editor, virtual file system, and many features more.
翻译 - 浏览器中的一个完整的开源3D图形编辑器,包括场景编辑器,编码板,图形编辑器,虚拟文件系统以及许多其他功能。
The microblogging application developed in my Flask Mega-Tutorial series. This version maps to the 2024 Edition of the tutorial.
翻译 - 作为Flask Mega-Tutorial系列的一部分,我开发了用Python和Flask编写的微博客Web应用程序。
A clean, Markdown-based publishing platform made for writers. Write together and build a community.
翻译 - 集中的写作和出版空间。