#大语言模型#🤖 Open-source GenBI AI Agent that empowers data-driven teams to chat with their data to generate Text-to-SQL, charts, spreadsheets, reports, and BI. 📈📊📋🧑💻
RGL is a framework for graph data structures and algorithms in Ruby.
OpenTelemetry Instrumentation for AI Observability
#计算机科学#SparklingGraph provides easy to use set of features that will give you ability to proces large scala graphs using Spark and GraphX.
#大语言模型#A Ruby Gem for interacting with Gemini through Vertex AI, Generative Language API, or AI Studio, Google's generative AI services.
Vertex is a generalized, secure, peer-to-peer communications platform; formerly of the divmod.org project (https://code.launchpad.net/divmod.org/)
#IOS#AR Navigation allows creating apps that use AR to navigate within a given target area.
Dart implementation of a directed graph. Provides algorithms for sorting vertices, retrieving a topological ordering or detecting cycles.
Mesh Maker VR
Create your self-hosted lab in one click.
Fast regression and mediation analysis of vertex or voxel MRI data with TFCE
Collaborate on 3D models in real-time using the Vertex Platform.
#安卓#VertexAI-KT is a Kotlin multiplatform library that simplifies integration with Google Cloud's Vertex AI PaLM API for generative model creation and training.
Easy-to-use Python bindings for HepMC3
Golang port of poly2tri.js and poly2tri