Expressive fixtures generator
翻译 - 表现夹具生成器
Управление устройствами из Home Assistant через Алису (Умный дом Яндекса) или Марусю
Main repository of Project Alice, contains main unit source code
Nelmio Alice extension to persist the loaded fixtures.
#人脸识别#Face-recognition using Siamese network
☂️Build your skill for Yandex.Alice with ease. (nodejs/typescript)
A true Artificial Intelligent Assistant with ALICE as backend and offline speech recognition with vosk engine and pyttsx3 as text to speech engine
Vertex is a generalized, secure, peer-to-peer communications platform; formerly of the project (
Behat extension for HautelookAliceBundle.
👥 A simple Chat Client in Java, implemented with the Observer pattern 👥
Node.js библиотека для формирования ответов в навыках Яндекс Алисы.
demonstration of quantum cryptography 🐈 🔐 , one-time pad communication via BB84. repo for our IT Security Master project
If you're familiar with the anime Sword art online, you know it! This project is a virtual Assistant for multiple OS
Модуль node-red-contrib-yandex-station-management для управления умными колонками от Яндекс
🖥 A simple Chat Server in Java, implemented with the Observer pattern 🖥
PHP-библиотека для облегчения работы с диалогами от Яндекс