#安卓#📸 A well documented, high-level Android interface that makes capturing pictures and videos easy, addressing all of the common issues and needs. Real-time filters, gestures, watermarks, frame processi...
翻译 - 📸记录良好的高级Android界面,可轻松捕获照片和视频,解决所有常见问题和需求。实时滤镜,手势,水印,帧处理,RAW,任意大小的输出。
#安卓#📓Material Design风格的开源照片笔记。(MVP+Dagger2+RxJava+AspectJ+Dex处理)
#安卓#Android Camera that uses Enhanced image processing
Seamless background video recorder for Android – ad-free and open-source, with customizable options.
#安卓#Android application for capture of Video, IMU data and Camera data useful in SLAM and Structure from Motion research. Differs between Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) and Digital Video Stabilization ...
#安卓#Easy Android camera integration, advanced features.
#安卓#Motion Cam is a camera application for Android that replaces the entire camera pipeline. It consumes RAW images and uses computational photography to combine multiple images to reduce noise.
翻译 - Motion Cam 是一款适用于 Android 的相机应用程序,可替代整个相机管道。它消耗 RAW 图像并使用计算摄影来组合多张图像以减少噪点。
Android 自定义相机: 可定制的 UI, 压缩到指定分辨率级别, 裁剪指定区域, 大图预览. (Android custom camera: Customizable UI, compress to specific resolution level, clip specific area programmatically, picture preview, usage of Camera ...
#安卓#Custom camera for android using camera2 api (DEPRECATED)
厂商平台之相机模块:采用android5.0中Camera2 api+MVP模式开发的一个相机程序,包含拍照,录像,自动调焦,Zoom调焦,暂停录像。
QRcode decoder based on CameraX & zxing-core & ML kit, in less than 50 lines
#安卓#Updated (opencv3 and camera2 API) android camera calibration application
#安卓#📷 A camera view to capture long image merged from small captured images as it is in Shoparoo app available on Google Play!!
#计算机科学#Android application that uses Virtual Reality effect: put makeup on the face from camera in real time.
翻译 - 使用虚拟现实效果的 Android 应用程序:通过相机实时在脸上化妆。
#安卓#Android CameraApi2 / CameraX Image to ByteBuffer converter.
#安卓#Library to use Android Camera2 api easily.
#安卓#A camera Demo App. In this Demo we can take pictures and record videos too.
#安卓#Video recording app with sub-millisecond synchronization accuracy for multiple Android smartphones, useful for creating affordable and easy-to-setup multi-view camera systems for robotics, SLAM, 3D-re...