Your target's phone's front and back cameras📸 can be accessed by sending a link🔗.
厂商平台之相机模块:采用android5.0中Camera2 api+MVP模式开发的一个相机程序,包含拍照,录像,自动调焦,Zoom调焦,暂停录像。
#安卓#High-performance library for converting YUV_420_888 Android Camera images to OpenCV RGB Mats
#安卓#Compiled libyuv Google library and wrapper for it for easy and fast scale, rotate, mirror and convert frames from android Camera2 or CameraX
#安卓#EasyCam makes it easy to implement Camera features in Android App so easily. It offers Single and Multiple photoshoot mode with a preview option.
A basic camera library for Android application
#安卓#Just Displaying, and later can take pic and save and others
Take picture using android camera on android latest devices. Kotlin is used in separate module with detailed comment.
#安卓#Android app for showing current location on the Google Map. Application also shows GPS coordinates and user's address and allows user to put markers on a map.
A complete AndroidMultipleMediaPicker with Marshmallow Permission handling, record a video from camera, Capture Image from camera, multiple image and multiple video picker from gallery in one module
An Android inventory application which uses custom camera and SQLite, Content Providers to manage inventory