A script to enumerate valid usernames based on the requests response times.
Funter (Forms Hunter) is a tool that hunts all forms and inputs found in a list of urls.
Header-only, single file, C++11 compatible version of `enumerate`.
SSH User Enumerator in Python3, CVE-2018-15473, I updated the code of this exploit (https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/45939) to work with python3 instead of python2.
GCP Permissions Checker: Python script for enumerating and testing GCP IAM permissions.
Enumerate all SoundCloud users and save them to a sqlite3 database.
Enumerate access point hostnames in Ekahau AI Pro with ease.
This tool automates the process of enumerating a large number of hosts and IPs efficiently. It is completely free and can be easily updated to adapt to specific needs.
This presentation is created in latex
Custom minimal C-based linux enumerator with multithreading.
A collection of PowerShell scripts I have written for information gathering within Azure
A function that enumerates all files in a folder (and subfolders)
Enumerate sessions between to dates (inclusive)
Enumerate domains using a directory attack to find common subdomains.