Methods for working with iterators in ECMAScript
翻译 - 在 ECMAScript 中使用迭代器的方法
Old archived draft proposal for smart pipelines. Go to the new Hack-pipes proposal at js-choi/proposal-hack-pipes.
翻译 - 智能管道提案草案,包括正式规范。
+> for function composition
Compile pipeline operator to ES5
Syntactic sugar 🍧🍨🍦 for easy to read function composition. 🦄
Allow parsing of pipeline operator |>
Function partial application, operator partial application and all that fun stuff.
🌈 A quick reference for ES modules syntax
Simple effect method based on the tc39/proposal-signals
Key exclusion syntax in object spread: an extension to the spread operator syntax for JavaScript / ECMAScript
ECMAScript proposal to allow complete yet terse and efficient mapping from arrays and other iterables to objects and maps
Proposal for Python-like import syntax extension
Standard Javascript Encyclopedia
JavaScript Decorator (ECMAScript Proposal) Medium Lesson
Custom metadata for Lexical Environments and execution context stacks.
Suggesting a new fallback operator for ECMAScript, like || but stops at first defined (!== undefined) value.
ECMAScript (/ˈɛkməskrɪpt/) (or ES) is a general-purpose programming language, standardised by Ecma International according to the document ECMA-262. It is a JavaScript standard meant to ensure the int...