JavaScript diagramming library for interactive flowcharts, org charts, design tools, planning tools, visual languages.
翻译 - JavaScript图表库,用于交互式流程图,组织结构图,设计工具,计划工具,可视语言。
📦 A simplified example of a modern module bundler written in JavaScript
💥 Vue plugin for work with local storage, session storage and memory storage from Vue context 🇺🇦
Detects the direction a user enters or leaves an element allowing you to reveal or hide content based on this direction.
翻译 - 方向指示内容通过元素上的悬停或选项卡显示。
Checks the version of ES in JavaScript files with simple shell commands 🏆
a simple SPA in vanilla js
Boilerplate for creating React Npm packages with ES2015
A simple Gulp 4 Starter Kit for modern web development.
The fastest smallest Javascript polyfill for encodeInto of TextEncoder, encode of TextEncoder, and decode of TextDecoder for UTF-8 only.
🚀 A boilerplate for Node.js api projects with Express.js, Sequelize, PostgreSQL and ES6+
Provide async/await callbacks for every, find, findIndex, filter, forEach, map, reduce, reduceRight and some methods in Array.
Operate all the lights with your web browser and create stunning visual experiences.
Breakdown of 7 different ways to use ES modules with npm today.
This is a SPA that uses Vue and Vue Router. It does not use Node.js. Just clone and start building. Template-ready
A simple TypeScript module bundler
🚀 ES6 modules in browsers without bundlers.
A simple utility library to measure and convert between units
A tiny library for calculating specific JSON data to family tree nodes and connectors 🌳
Minimal ECMAScript Module test runner