Image hover effects that work with or without bootstrap
翻译 - 带有或不带有引导程序的图像悬停效果
Detects the direction a user enters or leaves an element allowing you to reveal or hide content based on this direction.
翻译 - 方向指示内容通过元素上的悬停或选项卡显示。
Some inspiration for menu hover effects.
A simple step by step tooltip helper for any site
A pure Javascript Plugin for an alternative hover function that works on mobile and desktop devices. It triggers a hover css class on »Taphold« and goes to a possible link on »Tap«. It works with all ...
#安卓#Stimulate Apple's Force Touch or 3D Touch on Android App with Hover Gesture
👀 Easily apply tilt parallax hover effects for Flutter, which supports tilt, light, shadow effects, and gyroscope sensors
A motion hover effect for a background grid of images.
React hover --- make hover easy
A React component for rendering videos that play on hover, including support for mouse and touch events and a simple API for adding thumbnails and loading states.
Do something when someone is probably going to click something.
PostCSS plugin that extracts and wraps rules containing `:hover` pseudo-classes in `@media (hover: hover) {}` media queries
A React component that notifies its children of hover interactions
💄 No Javascript, image hover effects you've always wanted