Swiper 是一款用于移动端设备触控滑块/幻灯片的 JavaScript库。支持JavaScript、React、Vue、WebComponent
#菜单#A touch slideout navigation menu for your mobile web apps.
翻译 - 适用于您的移动网络应用程序的触摸滑出导航菜单。
A lightweight carousel library with fluid motion and great swipe precision.
The HTML touch slider carousel with the most native feeling you will get.
翻译 - 具有最原始感觉的HTML触摸滑块旋转木马
Code examples that accompany various MDN DOM and Web API documentation pages
翻译 - 各种MDN DOM和Web API文档页面随附的代码示例
#IOS#iOS Automation Framework iOS Touch Simulation Library
#安卓#2D zoom and pan behavior for View hierarchies, images, video streams, and much more, written in Kotlin for Android.
#安卓#🎱 处理子 View,父 View 嵌套滚动,成本比 support v4 NestedScrolling 低,放心食用~
1Kb library for easy unified handling of user interactions such as mouse, touch and pointer events.
The JavaScript library that makes your face look at the pointer. 🤪🖱️👆
Detect if a device is mouseOnly, touchOnly, or hybrid, and if the primary input is mouse or touch.
A pure Javascript Plugin for an alternative hover function that works on mobile and desktop devices. It triggers a hover css class on »Taphold« and goes to a possible link on »Tap«. It works with all ...
#安卓#AiForms.Effects for Xamarin.Forms
#IOS#Next generation XXTouch for iOS 13 and above. System-wide iOS Automation Toolkit.
Fast and simple interaction manager for three.js for enabling mouse and touch events on 3D objects
👆 A swipe out example built with Vue 2 + Vuetify + Swiper.
React hook for detecting click (or tap) and hold event