#菜单#A touch slideout navigation menu for your mobile web apps.
翻译 - 适用于您的移动网络应用程序的触摸滑出导航菜单。
JavaScript library for creating toggled off-canvas multi-level navigations, allowing endless nesting of submenu elements, supporting swipe gestures, keyboard interactions and ARIA attributes.
A lightweight, flexible jQuery off-canvas navigation plugin which lets you create fully accessible sidebar or top/bottom sliding (or push) panels with keyboard interactions and ARIA attributes.
Accessible Off-Canvas component for React.js
An easy to use jQuery offcanvas plugin.
Good option for mobile menus, general content reveals, or whatever else.
⚛️ 🅱️ 🗂 ↔️ Off-canvas navigation for react using bootstrap
Responsive Navbar with offcanvas view on mobile.
Offcanvas RWD Navigation for Bootstrap 4 Framework. Replaces actual Dropdown Nav.
Easy off-canvas menu with mobile touch support.
Responsive offcanvas plugin built mainly for Bootstrap 3. The plugin utilises bootstrap’s developer friendly, native data api style. Optimised for cross browser compatibility, and touch supported devi...
Crea un slider interactivo para carritos de compra utilizando HTML, CSS y Bootstrap 5
Templates of interfaces created with HTML/CSS/JS and Tailwindcss to provide utility classes.
Just a simple implementation of off canvas on Bootstrap.
Hidden sidebar built with the latest Bootstrap 5, perfect for use in the form of additional navigation, for example in ecommerce projects or dashboards.