Detect if a device is mouseOnly, touchOnly, or hybrid, and if the primary input is mouse or touch.
🖼 Declaratively interface window/document/body in your Vue template
Common abstractions for reactive microservices
🧬 Add attributes and event-listeners to <slot> content 💉
As a polyglot who speaks French, Spanish, English, and Chinese, I am excited to share my experiences and insights on the importance of language learning in today's global society. In my talk, I will e...
A Simple Button component in Vue which supports disabling during asynchronous operations, customisation, size-color variations and much more
🌋 A minimalist (<1KB) nano-library for using event listeners. Called with `evBo`.
Pequeno projeto de uma "calculadora" de lógica proposicional.
Udacity Front End Web Developer Nanodegree, Project 3. Weather Journal App
I built this JavaScript application where we can move items around. I worked with classes and with the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) approach. I also worked with the DOM, I moved elements around a...
This is a solution to the Interactive rating component challenge on Frontend Mentor.
In this series we will learn about laravel notifications
This is an application that uses the Youtube API and Giphy API to generate your own video. The idea is to enhance your listening experience by creating a video with a related gif.
This expanding cards project features five different images of beaches in my area. When clicked, an image card expands while the other cards remain inactive. This is part of Brad Traversy's Udemy Cour...
In this little JavaScript demo application, I used event listeners and specifically drag and drop events. I added and removed event listeners and get data out of the event object. Besides, I used the ...
working my way through an advanced 2D game by the wonderful frank's laboratory...a fantastic way to consolidate knowledge!
A simple app to help people use breathing techniques correctly to calm down