⚡️ A minimal portfolio template for Developers
翻译 - ⚡️开发人员的最小投资组合模板
📦 A simplified example of a modern module bundler written in JavaScript
✂️📦Bundler-independent solution for SSR-friendly code-splitting
Big buttons with easy click startpage for a browser.
#前端开发#Develop, build, deploy, redeploy, and teardown frontend projects fast.
翻译 - 快速开发,构建,部署,重新部署和拆卸前端项目。
🌬A bare-bones Tailwind CSS boilerplate
#前端开发#Parcel plugin to inline CSS and JS code in your HTML file.
Integration of Parcel Javascript module bundler with Rails
#区块链#A truffle box for svelte
A React boilerplate based on Redux, React Router, styled components and Parcel
Starter with Preact - Typescript - Parcel Bundler
🏁 This is an example of a super simple Tailwind CSS + ParcelJS starter project.
Parcel support for nunjucks templates
Boilerplate code to create basic, production ready Electron app using React, Parcel application bundler.
📦 Boilerplate for Vue.js & Typescript, base on Parcel bundler.
Parcel plugin for declaring externals. These externals will not be bundled. 📦
Simple crud todo-app with hyperapp.js
翻译 - 使用hyperapp.js的简单Crud Todo-app