#Awesome#A curated list of awesome header-only C++ libraries
翻译 - 精选的仅标头C ++库的精选列表
Fast CSV parser and writer for Modern C++
Parse command line arguments by defining a struct
Single-header header-only C++11 / C++14 / C++17 library for easily managing set of auto-generated type-safe flags.
Small header only library to call a function at a specific time interval.
Header-only TMX loader for raylib written in portable C99
ANSI escape sequences wrapped into macros
A header-only library containing various allocators and containers for c++
QuickTestCPP - A lightweight C++ unit testing header library.
Header-only XML parser written in portable ANSI C
C++ linear algebra library.
Header-only UTF library written in portable ANSI C
A header-only library for serializing and quantizing bits
Header-only JSON parser written in portable ANSI C
An Arduino header-library for logging via `Serial::print()` / `Serial::println()`.
Header-only Base64 library written in portable ANSI C