Hyperf 是一个高性能、高灵活性的渐进式 PHP 协程框架,内置协程服务器及大量常用的组件,性能较传统基于 PHP-FPM 的框架有质的提升,提供超高性能的同时,也保持着极其灵活的可扩展性,标准组件均基于 PSR 标准 实现,基于强大的依赖注入设计,保证了绝大部分组件或类都是 可替换 与 可复用 的。
A complete and robust implementation of the PSR-14 EventDispatcher specification.
PHP event manager. simple, fully functional event management dispatcher implementation. 简洁,功能完善的事件管理实现,支持快速的事件组注册,设置事件优先级,通配符事件的监听。
PSR-14 EventDispatcher implementation.
Antidot Framework Apllication Library
Crystal PHP Microframework
Slim, powerful and full compatible PSR-14 event manager library for PHP
PSR-14 Event Processing and Notification package
Lightweight library that discovers available PSR implementations by searching for a list of well-known classes that implement the relevant interfaces, and returning an instance of the first one that i...
A simple observer pattern implementation based on symfony event handler for Spiral Framework 2.x, allowing you to subscribe and listen for various events that occur within your application.
Lightweight Event dispatcher library compatible with PSR container
Lightweight library that discovers available PSR-14 Event Dispatcher implementations by searching for a list of well-known classes that implement the relevant interface, and returns an instance of the...
A modern PSR fully compliant framework for web, with great performance
[READ ONLY] Lightweight library that discovers available PSR implementations by searching for a list of well-known classes that implement the relevant interfaces, and returning an instance of the firs...