Show multiple entity states and attributes on entity rows in Home Assistant's Lovelace UI
[Survey@Pattern Recognition] Paper list on Pedestrian Attribute Recognition (PAR) and related tasks (Pattern Recognition 2021)
🚨 Design workflows of slog handlers: pipeline, middleware, fanout, routing, failover, load balancing...
Show multiple entity states, attributes and icons in a single card in Home Assistant's Lovelace UI
The laravel-attributes package allows Laravel developers to easily add and manage custom attributes on Eloquent models
Easily connect the necessary language packs to the application
🚨 Echo middleware for slog logger
(Unity) Editor dropdown for SerializeReference Attribute with Copy/Paste. RefTo (Reference to SerializeReference)
Pytorch implementation of pedestrian attribute recognition with graph convolutional network
🚨 Fiber middleware for slog logger
Show battery states or attributes with dynamic icon on entity rows in Home Assistant's Lovelace UI
Home Assistant use an entity's attribute as a new sensor helper