Laravel CRUD Generator
翻译 - Laravel CRUD生成器
📊 Laravel Google Analytics Measurement Protocol Package
Hooks is a extension system for your Laravel application.
Hooks system integrated into Voyager.
The laravel-attributes package allows Laravel developers to easily add and manage custom attributes on Eloquent models
Juzaweb CMS is a Content Management System (CMS) developed based on Laravel Framework and web platform whose sole purpose is to make your development workflow simple again. Project develop by Juzaweb
Stop duplicating your Eloquent query scopes and constraints in PHP. This package lets you re-use your query scopes and constraints by adding them as a subquery.
📦 Adds Laravel Packages Support to Lumen and Vendor Publish Artisan Command.
The Moox Project - Packages for Filament and Laravel
Laravel Notification Channel for Discord ! 💬️🗨️
Bridge laravel/tinker for your laravel-zero applications
This package uses a trait for a model which can be reviewable by users and give starred/point ratings and only one reply can come from admin as a support response. (like Google playstore review system...
Laravel Deployer: Streamlined Deployment for Laravel and Node.js apps, with Zero-Downtime and various environments and branches, deploying your Laravel apps become simple and stress-free endeavor.
This Laravel package allows you to flip/invert an Eloquent scope, or really any query constraint.
Firebase Dynamic Links for Php and Laravel
Mandrill API based mail driver for Laravel
The Laravel Package Manager provides fast yet simple management of packages for your Laravel project, automating repetitive actions such as Service Provider and Facade registration.
This package aims to help you standardize all your API responses in a simple and structured way.