Gel supercharges Postgres with a modern data model, graph queries, Auth & AI solutions, and much more.
翻译 - 下一代关系数据库。
The official TypeScript/JS client library and query builder for EdgeDB
EdgeDB plugin for Sublime Text, Atom, and VSCode
Simple example of configuring a NestJS application to use EdgeDB (and a bespoke GraphQL API).
Comparison of Knex/Objection ORM & EdgeDB query builders by implementing & testing a task model with each setup.
📚️ A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the EdgeQL programming language, and continuing to learn the language.
🌳️🌐️#️⃣️ The Bliss Browser EdgeQL language support module, allowing EdgeQL programs to be written in and ran within the browser.
#编辑器#⌨️ The EdgeQL programming language IDE submodule for SNU Programming Tools (2D Mode)
Magic search using EdgeDB as a database in Next.js