VictoriaMetrics: fast, cost-effective monitoring solution and time series database
翻译 - VictoriaMetrics-快速,经济高效且可扩展的时间序列数据库
Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities. A CNCF Incubating project.
翻译 - 具有长期存储功能的高可用Prometheus设置。 CNCF沙箱项目。
Kubetools - Curated List of Kubernetes Tools
翻译 - Kubetools - Kubernetes 工具的精选列表
#时序数据库#Making SLOs with Prometheus manageable, accessible, and easy to use for everyone!
Kvass is a Prometheus horizontal auto-scaling solution , which uses Sidecar to generate special config file only containes part of targets assigned from Coordinator for every Prometheus shard.
Kubernetes specific configuration for deploying Thanos.
A casual (but dangerous) package that will let Thanos snap fingers and delete random files inside a directory
Like `go get` but for Go tools! CI Automating versioning of Go binaries in a nested, isolated Go modules.
Important production-grade Kubernetes Ops Services
This repository contains the deployment configurations for the Observatorium instances
Kubernetes Guide. Learn all about Kubernetes monitoring, networking, and containers. Whether you're running Kubernetes Locally or in the Cloud ( Azure, AWS, and GCP).
Operator for Multi-Cluster Monitoring with Thanos.
A docker-compose stack for Thanos monitoring
Kubernetes controller to automatically configure Thanos receive hashrings
#IOS#Recreating Google's Thanos Easter Egg in iOS
#时序数据库#Ansible role for install and configure standalone or distributed Prometheus v2 with long term storage capabilities on Linux operating system.