The Kubefirst Open Source Platform
PROXY protocol support for internal-to-LoadBalancer traffic for Kubernetes Ingress users. If you've had problems with ingress-nginx, cert-manager, LetsEncrypt ACME HTTP01 self-check failures, and the ...
翻译 - PROXY协议支持Kubernetes Ingress用户从内部到LoadBalancer的流量。如果您遇到有关ingress-nginx,cert-manager,LetsEncrypt ACME HTTP01自检失败和PROXY协议的问题,请继续阅读。
Kusk Gen generates Ingress-controller configurations from your OpenAPI definition
🛒 A full-stack real-time auction website built using a microservices architecture
A simple drop-in HTTP proxy for transparent LDAP authentication which is also a HTTP auth backend.
Wife approved HomeOps driven by Kubernetes, and Gitops via Flux.
Enables Kubernetes ingress-nginx to validate JWT tokens
WordPress on Kubernetes project: prod ready & fully scalable for both private and public cloud
OpenID Connect (OIDC) & OAuth 2 API Server used to secure Kubernetes Ingress
Kubernetes Ingress controller with integrated Wallarm services
Nginx swarm ingress controller, a minimalistic approach to allow routing into a Docker Swarm based on the public hostnames.
ReactJS + NodeJS full stack web app backed by Microservices and Event-Driven architecture with NATS Streaming. Containerized & Orchestrated with Docker + Kubernetes.
If you want to spin up ECK with production feature like, SAML cert-manager, this guide is for you.
Kubernetes Nginx ingress controller manifests to deploy all Nginx ingress controller objects.
Scripts to create cluster and install kubernetes cluster.
Create and administer a local one or multi-node Kubernetes cluster(s) preset for development with simple commands.
Monitoring mixin for Ingress-nginx. A set of Grafana dashboards and Prometheus rules for Ingress-nginx.
Install and learn Kubernetes at home with hands-on examples and live demos for popular add-ons like Dashboard, Ingress, Grafana, Prometheus, Nfs, Cert-manager, Oauth2-proxy, Postgres and Keycloak