Prometheus-based Kubernetes Resource Recommendations
A Kubernetes controller for automatically optimizing pod requests based on their continuous usage. VPA alternative that can work with HPA.
WordPress on Kubernetes project: prod ready & fully scalable for both private and public cloud
kubectl plugin to compare VPA recommendations to actual resources requests
DigitalOcean Kubernetes Examples
Showcase repository to demonstrate sustainability projects for Kubernetes.
Rabin cryptosytem made deterministic
Simple script to draw diagrams from VPA histogram information
An operator designed to watch VPA objects and apply resources recommendations to Deployments and StatefulSets based on configurable annotations
Powerpipe Mod — Smart Kubernetes resource management using Vertical Pod Autoscaler recommendations + cool Dashboards ✨
Efficient Scaling in Kubernetes with HPA + VPA
k8s resource deployments with helm, argocd, eks, terraform, s3 helm repo, etc. These includes deployments, services, ingress, vpas, hpas, volumes, roles and role bindings, eks configurations, s3 helm ...