Go library and CLIs for working with container registries
翻译 - 使用库和CLI来处理容器注册表
Container registry which transparently builds images using the Nix package manager. Canonical repository is https://cs.tvl.fyi/depot/-/tree/tools/nixery
翻译 - 容器注册表,使用Nix包管理器透明地构建图像
A container registry backed by Workers and R2.
Container Registry and Image Management for Kubernetes Clusters
Delete untagged image refs in Google Container Registry or Artifact Registry
翻译 - 作为服务删除Google Container Registry中未加标签的图像参考
Command line tool to create and query container image manifest list/indexes
🐳 Container registry which provides you all the commands you need in a lightweight Alpine image. DevOps and SysOps best friend. https://command-not-found.com
Web UI for Docker Registry
A simple Kubernetes client-go application that creates and patches imagePullSecrets to service accounts in all Kubernetes namespaces to allow cluster-wide authenticated access to private container reg...
Alert if an image used in Kubernetes cannot be pulled from container registry
Full CI pipeline project based on Gitlab & Gitlab CI running Docker, completely automated setup by Vagrant & Ansible, providing Let´s Encrypt certificates for private Servers, multiple Gitlab-Runners ...
"Docker Push Readme" - a Docker CLI plugin to update container repo docs
Add digests to container and init container images in Kubernetes pod and pod template specs. Use either as a mutating admission webhook, or as a client-side KRM function with kpt or kustomize.
A Terraform provider for Harbor. To configure and manage all aspects of your Harbor Container Registry with Terraform Infrastructure as Code.
Regionally federated multi-tenant container image registry
在 Kubernetes 集群中部署 Registry Proxy,自动帮助您使用镜像代理服务拉取新创建的 Pod 中的外网容器镜像(仅限公有镜像)。
Tools to construct a read-only container 'registry' served by plain Nginx
A collection of tools to statically and dynamically identify public container images that are hosted on Docker Hub.
OpenRegistry - A decentralised container registry fully compliant with OCI Distribution Specification