Cloud Native Runtime Security
翻译 - 云原生运行时安全
Inspektor Gadget is a set of tools and framework for data collection and system inspection on Kubernetes clusters and Linux hosts using eBPF
The open source, cloud native tool for API Mocking and Testing. Microcks is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation sandbox project 🚀
The One CD for All {applications, platforms, operations}
翻译 - 持续交付声明性Kubernetes,无服务器和基础架构应用程序
The CNCF sandbox for observability visualisation. Already supports Prometheus/Tempo - more data sources to come!
XOR Quiz - Various tech related quiz // 🔥ℹ️ (Latest runnig quiz): Javascript Quiz 2023 Feb 5 - Feb 20
Official repository for KubeArmor website.
Clone repo from GitHub, build docker image and push docker image to Docker Hub using Tekton pipeline using Buildah
Bare metal provisioning engine, supporting network and ISO booting, BMC interactions, metadata service, and workflow engine.