Automate Kubernetes Configuration Editing
Add digests to container and init container images in Kubernetes pod and pod template specs. Use either as a mutating admission webhook, or as a client-side KRM function with kpt or kustomize.
A Helm chart templating CLI, kustomize plugin and containerized kustomize/kpt KRM function
Curated catalog of generally useful kpt functions
Demos and resources of the Istio + Gatekeeper talks at IstioCon 2022 and GitOpsCon 2022
Monitoring tools for Kubernetes
Use kpt as argocd configuration management plugin
a kpt function for removing a Kubernetes resource
For Camunda Platform 8. Kubernetes manifests organized as kustomize project with kpt for externalizing the most important parameters (like helm value file).
⎈ GitOps cluster template for scientific data analysis 🧮
kpt function container image to run kustomize builds
Demo project for didactic purposes
KRM Functions to manage SealedSecrets.
Sample that shows how to use a setter to set the cluster name for cluster-autoscaler.