Policy and data administration, distribution, and real-time updates on top of Policy Agents (OPA, Cedar, ...)
Automate Kubernetes Configuration Editing
Fix Inventory helps you identify and remove the most critical risks in AWS, GCP, Azure and Kubernetes.
Guard offers a policy-as-code domain-specific language (DSL) to write rules and validate JSON- and YAML-formatted data such as CloudFormation Templates, K8s configurations, and Terraform JSON plans/co...
PacBot (Policy as Code Bot)
#Awesome#A curated list of OPA related tools, frameworks and articles
A data standard to enable right-of-way regulation and two-way communication between mobility companies and local governments.
opensecurity: open-source security and compliance. See and secure your cloud, containers, code, networks, deployments, devices. Define your rules, get precise checks, fix gaps fast. Streamlined audits...
#大语言模型#The open-source policy-as-code software that provides analysis for Multi-Cloud and SaaS environments, you can get insight with natural language (powered by OpenAI).
#Awesome#A curated list of blogs, videos, tutorials, code, tools, scripts, and anything useful to help you learn Azure Policy - by @JesseLoudon
An open source, cloud-native security to protect everything from build to runtime
IAMbic is Version-Control for IAM. It centralizes and simplifies cloud access and permissions. It maintains an eventually consistent, human-readable, bi-directional representation of IAM in Git.
Regal is a linter and language server for Rego, bringing your policy development experience to the next level!
Policy driven vetting of open source packages with malicious code analysis
Manage admission policies in your Kubernetes cluster with ease
Style guide for Rego
#Awesome#A curated list of policy-as-code resources like blogs, videos, and tools to practice on for learning Policy-as-Code.
A tool for generating, validating & sharing all your configurations, powered by CUE. Works with Kubernetes, Terraform, Compose, GitHub actions and much more...
Bicep and Terraform code examples for policy-as-code workflows. Azure governance guardrails and automation - by @JesseLoudon
Regorus - A fast, lightweight Rego (OPA policy language) interpreter written in Rust.