Policy and data administration, distribution, and real-time updates on top of Policy Agents (OPA, Cedar, ...)
Hyperstack ALPHA https://hyperstack.org
The project has moved to Hyperstack!!
A web framework for building highly usable healthcare applications.
Easily sync open-policy rules to your feature toggles
Simple client-side web application framework for Opal
翻译 - 适用于Opal的简单客户端Web应用程序框架
This ain't Sonic Pi, but it works on the browser: https://negasonic.onrender.com/
Use sedutil for setting up and using self encrypting drives (SEDs) that comply with the TCG OPAL 2.00 standard. This includes the requisite pre-boot authentication image.
🎒 Programmable portable App hosted on URL: https://nipp.nwtgck.org
A simple component view framework for Ruby Opal based on Snabbdom
Browser Extension for higher productivity with TU Dresden IT-Services 🚀