#编辑器#🎻 Controlling Sonic Pi from the command line
This ain't Sonic Pi, but it works on the browser: https://negasonic.onrender.com/
Numbered musical notation for composing algorithmic and generative melodies
osmid is a tool to bridge MIDI and OSC. It is currently in use in Sonic Pi
Sonic Pi Challenge at GitHub Universe 2020
翻译 - GitHub Universe 2020上的Sonic Pi挑战
#编辑器#Use Sonic Pi from VS Code
A neovim Plugin for [Sonic Pi](https://sonic-pi.net)
Uses a raspberry pi camera or web cam and python opencv to track motion in camera view. Sends motion contour data to sonic-pi via osc interface to produce and control notes/sample. Includes ability to...
How to use a wind controller (AKA wind synth, electronic wind instrument) with music/MIDI apps