Tool to export Juice Shop challenges and hints in data format compatible with CTFd, RootTheBox or FBCTF
A Highly Accessible and Automated Virtualization Platform for Security Education
ctfcli is a tool to manage Capture The Flag events and challenges
A python script to dump all the challenges locally of a CTFd-based Capture the Flag.
A fast, efficient and lightweight (~100 KB) Capture The Flag framework inspired by the HackTheBox platform. Built with Flask.
Your ultimate infrastructure to run a CTF, with a BeyondCorp-like zero-trust network and simple infrastructure-as-code configuration.
#网络爬虫#Simple scraper for automating challenges gathering from a CTFd platform
Challenge source code, official writeups, and infrastructure setup for UIUCTF 2023
Plugin that uses to generate dynamic flag with oneline envirenment for CTFd
CTFd plugin allowing for individual Docker containers per team