#计算机科学#ONNX 是一种针对机器学习所设计的开放式的文件格式,用于存储训练好的模型。它使得不同的人工智能框架(如Pytorch、MXNet)可以采用相同格式存储模型数据并交互。
#算法刷题#Experience, Learn and Code the latest breakthrough innovations with Microsoft AI
翻译 - 借助Microsoft AI体验,学习和编码最新的突破性创新
Go package for computer vision using OpenCV 4 and beyond. Includes support for DNN, CUDA, OpenCV Contrib, and OpenVINO.
翻译 - 使用OpenCV 4和更高版本进行计算机视觉打包。
#新手入门#Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Speaker Verification, Speech Synthesis, Text-to-Speech (TTS), Language Modelling, Singing Voice Synthesis (SVS), Voice Conversion (VC)
#计算机科学#pytorch-kaldi is a project for developing state-of-the-art DNN/RNN hybrid speech recognition systems. The DNN part is managed by pytorch, while feature extraction, label computation, and decoding are ...
翻译 - pytorch-kaldi是一个用于开发最先进的DNN / RNN混合语音识别系统的项目。 DNN部分由pytorch管理,而特征提取,标签计算和解码则通过kaldi工具箱执行。
GUI for marking bounded boxes of objects in images for training neural network Yolo v3 and v2
翻译 - GUI,用于在图像中标记对象的有界框,以训练神经网络Yolo v3和v2
#自然语言处理#NLP DNN Toolkit - Building Your NLP DNN Models Like Playing Lego
翻译 - NLP DNN工具包-像玩乐高游戏一样建立NLP DNN模型
#搜索#GNES is Generic Neural Elastic Search, a cloud-native semantic search system based on deep neural network.
翻译 - GNES是通用神经弹性搜索,这是一种基于深度神经网络的云原生语义搜索系统。
DNN (formerly DotNetNuke) is the leading open source web content management platform (CMS) in the Microsoft ecosystem.
翻译 - DNN(以前称为DotNetNuke)是Microsoft生态系统中领先的开源Web内容管理平台(CMS)。
Voice activity detection (VAD) toolkit including DNN, bDNN, LSTM and ACAM based VAD. We also provide our directly recorded dataset.
#计算机科学#Neural network-based singing voice synthesis library for research
#计算机科学#Gaussian YOLOv3: An Accurate and Fast Object Detector Using Localization Uncertainty for Autonomous Driving (ICCV, 2019)
翻译 - 高斯YOLOv3:使用定位不确定性进行自动驾驶的精确快速物体检测器(ICCV,2019)
仅使用numpy从头开始实现神经网络,包括反向传播公式推导过程; numpy构建全连接层、卷积层、池化层、Flatten层;以及图像分类案例及精调网络案例等,持续更新中... ...
Tutorial for computer vision and machine learning in PHP 7/8 by opencv (installation + examples + documentation)
#计算机科学#RMDL: Random Multimodel Deep Learning for Classification
opencv 4.5+ with dnn module for php 7/8