#安卓#Flutter-Python rubiks cube solver.
翻译 - Flutter-Python rubiks多维数据集求解器。
#计算机科学#🎨 Color recognition & classification & detection on webcam stream / on video / on single image using K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is trained with color histogram features by OpenCV.
#计算机科学#RGB Color Classifier is a Web App that can Predict upto 11 Distinct Color Classes based on RGB input by the User from GUI sliders
#计算机科学#Implementation of our IEEE AVSS 2018 paper "Person Retrieval in Surveillance Video using Height, Color, and Gender".
#人脸识别#computer vision sample code using python openCV library
#计算机科学#The repo for the ODCL system developed by University of Hawaiʻi Drone Technologies for the SUAS 2025 competition
#计算机科学#HyperResNet Architecture for Color Classification Problem
A multi-headed DNN to detect shape type (circle, rectangle, triangle) shape color and position of the center point.
#计算机科学#A neural network modified from AlexNet to classify vehicle colors
#计算机科学#Based on a clothing picture and your choices, the app provides you suggestions about your outfit.
#计算机科学#Machine Learning model (Neural Network) capable of classifying the colors in any supplied image
#计算机科学#Detect object in any image along with its features like color, etc.