A school management Software
翻译 - 学校管理软件
ChurchCRM is an OpenSource Church CRM & Management Software.
RosarioSIS Student Information System for school management.
#人脸识别#Face Detection | Recognition | Attendance
This project is outdated and has been archived for historical reference. Advanced Attendance Recording System for the members of FOSS@Amrita.
#人脸识别#In this system we can fill attendance by face recognition
openSIS is a commercial grade, secure, scalable & intuitive Student Information System, School Management Software from OS4ED. Has all functionalities to run single or multiple institutions in one ins...
Attendance Management System For Schools and Colleges
Attendance Management System is a Laravel based web application which keeps track of employee hours by either using ZKTecho finger print device or manual attendance sheet.
Created a hostel application management web app to track students where they are,and note the attendance of students according to room No and download data of attendance for each day
💸 Settle payrolls faster with Hafta.
Facial Recognition Based Attendance System using Python, Tensorflow, Keras, SqlLite3, Tkinter, OpenCV
Final Year Btech Face recognition Attendance System Project with code and Documents. Video Implementation with explanation too. Base IEEE paper Implementation
Python lib to access ZKTeco's standalone devices
#人脸识别#Simple Face Recognition Attendance System
💩 毕设《基于Java的学生考勤系统》。基于Spring Boot + MyBatis-Plus + Shiro + MySQL 开发,实现了学生管理、教师管理、专业管理、课程管理、选课管理、考勤管理、请假管理和系统管理功能模块(毕业了,暂停维护)。
#计算机科学#An End to End Real Time Face Identification and attendance system using CNN
#安卓#An Android app which uses Realm database to make attendance process simple inside classroom
e-Learning management and course assessment system with Django
#人脸识别#A simple, modern and scalable facial recognition based attendance system built with Python back-end & Angular front-end.