FFXIV TypeScript Raiding Overlay
翻译 - FFXIV JavaScript搜寻叠加
Open source Final Fantasy VIII engine implementation in C# working on Windows and Linux (Android and iOS planned too!) [Monogame]
翻译 - 在Windows和Linux上使用C#进行的开源VIII引擎实现(也计划在Android和iOS上使用!)
Tataru Helper - application for translation of in-game texts in Japan MMORPG - Final Fantasy XIV. The texts are understood as MSQ, cutscenes, quests, NPC replicas, etc.
Final Year Project for students as Ecommerce website especially different webpages. Top class Website Development project that made by combination of front end programming languages such as HTML, CSS ...
#自然语言处理#Chatbot system for Final Year Project. Chatbot made in Python using Natural Language Toolkit especially Machine Learning. Easy to Understand and Implement.
Final Year Btech Face recognition Attendance System Project with code and Documents. Video Implementation with explanation too. Base IEEE paper Implementation
Transform and compose tagless final encoded algebras in scala
#计算机科学#Final Year Project Diseases Prediction System through Machine Learning. Disease Prediction system with code and documents
A FFXIV Overlay for OverlayPlugin using HTML and JS
#区块链#Protection and Security of Transaction between friends with help of Blockchain. Project Code, Project PPT, Report and Synopsis for College Project(Final Year Project).
Homework, labs, tests for a variety of classes. Feel free to share. California State University, Sacramento
Malware-Detection-System-Using-Deep-Learning-Project. Project Includes PPT. Code, Explanation Video and Documents
FFXIV Modding Tool is the Cross-platform Commandline interface alternative for TexTools
Final Year Blockchain Project for Security of communication. [Security of Communication Increase through Use of Combination of Cryptography and Blockchain technology]
#数据仓库#Rainfall Prediction using Machine Learning. India Rainfall Prediction for 115 years. Rainfall Project with Code and Documents
Human resource management C# based with SQL database desktop software.