An accessibility tool to assist in FFXIV gameplay and compensate for human imperfections.
Analyses combat information every frame and finds the best action.
A utility for improving the GPose experience in FFXIV.
Collect and assign ventures to your retainers from the comfort of your bed.
A FFXIV Overlay for OverlayPlugin using HTML and JS
Explore a DeepDungeon with a tool like the HoloLens or GoogleGlass on
Patches which remove unreasonable ToS, analytics, plugin bans and integrity check from Dalamud and XIVLauncher CN. 鯊鯊補丁的目的是移除 Dalamud 和 XIVLauncher CN 中不合理的服務條款、數據上傳、插件封鎖和完整性檢查。
Positional feedback with pixel perfect rear/flank tracking, range indicators, and more.
Dalamud plugin designed to give you better control over your Final Fantasy XIV character appearance.
The best FFXIV crafting solver via hardware accelerated Genetic MCTS.
Shows possible trap & Accursed Hoard locations in Palace of The Dead, Heaven on High, and Eureka Orthos.
Dalamud Plugin to help farming DeepDungeon Hoards
Overlay skins for Advanced Combat Tracker (ACT) FFXIV Parsing Plugin